Selected “sNews”

Our curated selection of links to external media stories and research publications about sleep. 

Heart Health

Snoring can worsen heart function, especially in women – Medical News Today

According to a recent study, snoring and sleep apnea may affect cardiac function in women…
Heart Health

Study helps solve mystery of how sleep protects against heart disease – National Institutes of Health

Researchers based at Massachusetts General Hospital have discovered one way that sleep protects against atherosclerosis,…
Sleep Apnea

New study finds that setting the optimal pressure for PAP can (and probably should) be done WITHOUT IN-LAB TITRATION

A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine compared manually and automatically…


Brain Health

8 posts

Heart Health

4 posts

Sleep and Aging

2 posts

Sleep Apnea

14 posts

Sleep Science

3 posts


2 posts

Women's Health

2 posts