Selected “sNews”

Our curated selection of links to external media stories and research publications about sleep. 

Brain Health

Sleep disorder linked with changes to brain structure typical of dementia – Science Daily

According to a study published in the European Respiratory Journal, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is…
Brain Health

Treating Sleep Apnea Greatly Improves Stroke Patients’ Recovery – Sleep Review

A large study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that starting…
Heart Health

Study helps solve mystery of how sleep protects against heart disease – National Institutes of Health

Researchers based at Massachusetts General Hospital have discovered one way that sleep protects against atherosclerosis,…


Brain Health

7 posts

Heart Health

4 posts

Sleep and Aging

2 posts

Sleep Apnea

13 posts

Sleep Science

3 posts


2 posts

Women's Health

2 posts